Saturday, December 20, 2014

This is what happens in our house EVERY YEAR prior to the school Christmas program. Anyone else have this experience?

Every year, I have grand ideas of all the family dressed up beautifully and posing for the perfect pictures in front of the Christmas tree. Then we will arrive early, looking lovely, and find a seat from which we can actually see our children and get some good pictures. 

This is what actually happens. Every. Single. Year.

  1. We rush through dinner then run upstairs with very little time to get ready.
  2. My son is adamantly opposed to the adorable Gymboree shirt that I purchased specifically for the concert. Before I have to resort to threats or bribery, we find that last year’s shirt still fits. 
  3. My daughter wants to wear the fluorescent orange and pink dangly feather earrings. Because that will go perfectly with her Christmas dress. We compromise and find some earrings that are not quite so obnoxious.
  4. My daughter and I lock my son out of the bathroom while attempting to fix our hair.
  5. My daughter does not agree with my Pinterest-worthy idea for her hair so we have a mother-daughter "moment" over an alternative. In the end, we run out of time for anything other than a couple of random curls that will likely fall out before we get downstairs.
  6. I have a meltdown trying to find my pants in the disorganized disaster that serves as my closet, so I literally start throwing things out onto the bedroom floor. (Later I have to apologize to the kids for my tantrum).
  7. Michael comes upstairs, sees clothes all over the floor, and knows better than to inform me of the time.
  8. Michael suggests we take pictures AFTER the concert and I inform him that that is NOT an option. 
  9. We rush through a few pictures.
  10. We arrive at the auditorium after the time when kids are supposed to be in their seats. 
  11. My daughter suddenly freaks out and becomes self-conscious about her dress’s neckline. 
  12. There is no place to sit because - CLEARLY - other families are more put together and arrive in time to take the good seats.
  13. I have feelings of bitterness toward mothers of daughters with perfect hair, then feel like a jerk for those thoughts.
  14. I finally decide to give myself a break because - AFTER ALL - I got up at 5:00 AM, worked a 9 hour day, commuted for 2 hours, and got home just in time to make dinner for my family. 
  15. I sit back, relax and decide to enjoy. Is there anything more adorable than bunch of little kids all dressed up singing Christmas songs?!
  16. My kids do a great job and I couldn’t be more proud (even if we had spent more time on the hair and were wearing the new Gymboree shirt)! 


Christmas is RIGHT HERE

In the midst of December chaos, I sometimes find myself feeling like Cindy Lou Who in the 2000 Grinch movie singing “Where are you Christma...